Coram Deo – Part 3

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.
2 Corinthians 5:17

Before the face of God…

This post will consider a marvelous paradox that God overcomes!

God is transcendent–which means that He is beyond this universe, beyond man’s intelligence, and far beyond man’s imagination.  Therefore, He is not bound to any created thing or empirical (measurable) analyses.  Thus, God is incomprehensible and immeasurable.  However, God is, at the same time, immanent, which means that He is near.  How can these two attributes of God exist simultaneously?

Oh, what a grand paradox!  God is beyond comprehension, yet He makes Himself known.  What was experienced through shadows in the Old Testament is now fully realized through Christ in the New Testament.  The Old Testament longed for what we, in this age, now know.  Those who are in Christ are new creatures–born-again–made to know God through the atoning work of Christ on the cross.  Consider the marvelous implications–God has made Himself known through the person and work of His Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord, so that those (who were previously outside fellowship with God) are now brought near through the gospel.

How does this impact your Coram Deo?

— January 22, 2016