What Do You Adore?

“…for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:21

What do you adore? 

What do you find yourself thinking about when you are alone?  What do you find yourself looking forward to?  This points in the direction, and more than likely reveals what you adore…

Who do you adore? Parents, siblings, children, position at work, position with friends, vacations, time off, work, money, man’s approval, man’s applause, pleasure, comfort, material things…?

What we adore shapes our identity…

For example, if I adore man’s affirmation, then I will manipulate or control the way I am perceived. Instead of resting in the gospel–which says that Christ died in order for me to be accepted by God–I will adjust my clothing, my laughter, my language, my whatever, to be accepted by someone or something that I adore. What we adore shapes who we are.

What we adore shapes our involvements…

What we adore shapes the way we invest our time, which shapes our schedules that dictate the things we commit to and find ourselves involved in. We will always find time for the things we adore.

What we adore shapes our future…

When Christ came into this world, He didn’t expect His followers–and those who would come after–to focus their time, talent, and treasure on the here and the now. Rather, He spoke often about the coming kingdom. He went further, and encouraged His followers to not merely bury their talents, but to invest them. He knew what we so easily forget. He knew that this life is a testing ground that has its ultimate echoes and answers in the life to come. That’s why Christ would say, “…store up for yourself treasures in heaven.”

What we adore shapes, calls, and reverberates not only in this life and to those around us, but also to the life to come.

What do you adore?

— November 20, 2020