There was a man who started on what appeared to be a marvelous spiritual journey only to see it come crashing down as he finished his first expedition in failure. What was a hopeful beginning ended in bitter shame. Have you been there? Are you there right now? His story didn’t end there, and yours doesn’t have to either!
It begins…
We will pick up his story in the early party of the 18th Century on a ship headed to America where he was set to bring Christ to the Native Americans. There was much fanfare and excitement for this young man as he was embarking upon his long and arduous trek. The sea voyage proved to be more difficult than anticipated, and as a tempest wailed against the vessel this young man’s faith was rocked to the core. However, sitting peacefully beside was a group of missionaries who were carefree and singing praises to the Almighty as the storm raged on. The memory of those brave souls made a profound impression upon this young man–one that he would never forget.
The turn…
Shortly upon arrival a young lady caught his eye and quickly became his first love and pursuit. As circumstance would have it, she had also won the affections of another man. The days turned into weeks for him and the bitter thought of not having this sweet lady weighed heavy upon his soul. Reaction was the word of the day, and he misapplied his position of pastoral leadership among the congregation and excluded the two lovers from taking the Lord’s Supper. The myriad failures began and stymied their efforts, and he now had to face failure and a tarnished reputation as he set sail back to Great Britain.
The return journey brought yet another set of troubles–the sea was rough, which only added to the discomfort of soul this young ambitious man was experiencing. The tumult waged on and the seas began to roar, and he recalled those brave souls who were unshaken in the midst of the previous journey. He found himself in a crisis of belief, and couldn’t understand what it was that anchored them to their faith while his faith seemed so shallow. He thought he was a Christian, but he had no peace–no abiding peace.
The ship landed safely upon the shores of Great Britain, and he soon found out that those were Moravian missionaries set out to bring the Gospel of Christ to a lost world. They lived as a community and had small groups and times of Bible study to prepare them for their life’s work. It was also during this time (at a gathering on Aldersgate street) that the Lord changed his heart–He recounted this Aldersgate Experience in his Journal: “In the evening I went very unwillingly to a society in Aldersgate Street, where one was reading Luther’s Preface to the Epistle to the Romans. About a quarter before nine, while he was describing the change which God works in the heart through faith in Christ, I felt my heart strangely warmed. I felt I did trust in Christ, Christ alone for salvation: And an assurance was given me that he had taken away my sins, even mine, and saved me from the law of sin and death.”* As it turns out this man was John Wesley, revivalist and founder of the Methodist Church.
Can you relate…
Is his journey similar to yours? Perhaps you’re not a missionary or revivalist preacher or even a pastor. But have you experienced failure in your life? How did you respond? Failure is not if, but when. This is an unavoidable aspect of our life journey. We cannot escape that in time we will fail. Is this reality easy to dismiss or brush under the rug for you? Is it hard to embrace the fact that you are not perfect? However, while there are failures and broken roads, God’s plan is that we don’t see it that way. What a bold statement to make…what does God’s Word say about this…?
“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28
God works all things for good. That’s it–that’s what we need to understand. He uses each and every circumstance for His purposes. We may not understand how the pieces to the puzzle are going to fit together as my pastor, Tommy Nelson says, but we can trust Who it is that is putting the pieces together. Don’t let so-called failure shackle you to indifference. Press on!
“You therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 2:1
* Gonzales, Justo L., Story of Christianity – Part II., p. 266.
— September 12, 2015