“Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.”
Proverbs 4:23
Isn’t our heart constantly assaulted—sometimes it seems like if we’re awake, then there is something pulling at our hearts (whether good, bad, or ugly). The reality is, the heart is where the battle ground is fought, and it is the outworking of our worship. It is also the citadel of our being, and if the walls surrounding it are broken down or disregarded, then we’ll likely be seeking treasures outside of God—and that comes with a cost.
Thus, Solomon’s 3,000 year old admonition—that we are to keep our heart—is still a challenging and necessary admonition for us today. Why? From the heart flows the springs of life…! The springs of life—that is to say the fountain of our attitudes, the center of our holy and God-honoring actions—or conversely, the spring of sin, bitterness, and it’s ramifications. So how do we apply this profound verse to our everyday lives today? Below are some thoughts to consider:
Can I keep my heart with my own strength?
- No, it is the work of God—we are His instruments through which He reveals His strength. He does this through the work of the Holy Spirit in us as Christians.
So, how then do we apply His strength in keeping our hearts?
- First, we need to know our hearts—the weak points, that is. What draws you, what compels you, what inspires you? Look at your calendar and then your check book…
- Second, consider what sins easily beset you or draw you in…
- Third, prayerfully and humbly ask God to make you aware of your weak spots, and then confess these sins of your heart to Him—repent and turn to Him for forgiveness and restoration…
- Fourth, remember that there is no condemnation to those in Christ…
- Last, read and meditate upon the Word of God—here’s a great plan to begin with, or you could do a word study on the word “heart”…