“…He left for the mountain to pray.”
Mark 6:46
We took this picture yesterday as part of our family vacation to the mountains of Durango, CO. It was a stunning display of fall colors and cool weather. The roads are windy, but the views are spectacular. It’s moments like these that I’m reminded of Christ’s consistent commitment to get away to the hills to pray. He reserved time alone to meet with the Father, and He demonstrated the importance of retreating to make such a connection.
I don’t know about you, but if I don’t retreat and get away with the Father to commune in prayer I will struggle to maintain balance in pretty much every facet of my life. In our family’s current season, my retreating is early in the morning and on afternoon jogs–which is why I signed up for the Mountain Marmot race to be held tomorrow at the beautiful Purgatory Ski Resort. It’s an 11.5 mile run with an 1,800 foot elevation gain, but the magnificent views are said to be the reward. It’s my time with God–to rest, to remember, and to remind myself that these mountains were here long before me, and they will be here long after I’m gone. It’s where I’m reminded that my life is but a vapor, and that God is my Creator.
To the mountain…that’s where I’m headed; literally for now, and on my normal running trail when we get back to Denton in a few days.
Where’s your mountain? Where do you get alone with God and pray? It’s never too late, and it’s never to soon…find a quiet place and remember that He is God!
— September 23, 2016