Before & Behind…

“But you will not go out in haste, 
Nor will you go as fugitives; 
For the Lord will go before you, 
And the God of Israel will be your rear guard.”

Isaiah 52:12

Has there ever been a time in your life when you had to face a big transition? Perhaps it was a move from one location to another? Or from one job to another? What about leaving home for the first time, entering college, the workforce, the military, or trade school?

We’ve all faced a transition at some point. As you come nearer to that day of transition, is it also possible to have some concern? Perhaps it’s the unknown, sadness, leaving friends and family, or the comforts of familiarity.

When I was 14, my family and I moved from Tomball, TX, to Midland, TX. Initially, we were all pretty excited. The thought of a new place, new opportunity, etc., sounded like an adventure–until it wasn’t.

My first day of class was in the middle of the ninth grade school year–you can imagine all the awkwardness staring at me through the faces of the students as I was told in my first-period class by the teacher to (1) spit out my gum and (2) you’re in the wrong class. I could have gotten off to a better start at Lee Freshman.

However, the winter turned into spring and then into summer. My football routine kicked in, and the transition eased. Sooner than I realized, Midland was home and a place of great enjoyment.

Our lives are bound to encounter moments or seasons of change, and we have a God with us all the way.

Nearly three decades after our transition to Midland, I still remember praying to the Lord and asking Him to sustain me. He did. It wasn’t easy, but looking back, I see how His kind hand had gone before me and protected me.

Are you in a season of transition or about to be in one?

I’d like to encourage you with Isaiah 52:12 above. Notice two essential points:

  1. BeforeGod’s promise to His people has always been that He will clear the way for them. However, that does not guarantee that the way will always be easy.
    • I’m rereading the Pilgrim’s Progress in the evenings. One thing I noticed as Christian made his way to the Wicket Gate was that he was distracted by the Worldly Wiseman.
      • Christian deviated from the right way set forth by the Evangelist because the way of the Worldly Wiseman sounded quicker and easier.
    • Is it possible to sacrifice God’s way on the altar of mitigation, comfort, and familiarity?
      • As Israel came out of Egypt to their promised land, God declared in Deut. 7 that He would clear the land ahead of their arrival.
        • He did it then, and He does it today.
    • Tie it to Christ: Around 500 years after Israel returned to their promised land, Christ entered Jerusalem as their Messiah. He went ahead of His new humanity (1 Cor. 12) to clear the way for a new life promised to His people.
  2. Behind—God promises to not only go before His people but also to protect them from behind.
    • As Israel left Egypt, God protected them in a cloud.
      • “The angel of God, who had been going before the camp of Israel, moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them.”
    • Is it possible to forget that God uses the things “behind” us to protect us going forward?
      • Remember what Joseph told his brothers: what you intended for evil, God will use for good. Remember also the apostle Paul: God uses all things to work together for the good of those who love Him. God’s protection is past, present, and future.
        • He uses our past to instruct us, our present to enable us, and the future to give us hope.
    • Tie it to Christ: Christ’s leaving promised He would send the Holy Spirit (John 14:25-26) after Him. The Spirit of God teaches, convicts, and guides God’s people. Thus, the Triune God has established His protection by empowering His people and giving them the promise that their rear guard is secure in Him. His Spirit ensures our protection.

In summary, David reminds us in Psalm 139:5 that God has enclosed [His people] behind and before.

Are you facing a transition or season calling you to trust that God has gone before you and is guarding you from behind?

Rest in Him! Press on faithfully! He will keep you and bring you to His Celestial City.

We press on!

— June 20, 2024